Friday, January 05, 2007


Amma's Ocean

Yeahhhhh!!! Santa came through. Was it all the hints I passed out, or was it just that I was REALLY good all year.

Amma's Ocean will be back up and running soon. I got a 14 gall. Nano tank that is very very cute. S and I put the washed sand into it last night, filled it will already "established" water from S's other tank, and will be putting live rock into it today. Already have a gobi on hold at Dave's to put into it on Saturday. S says we just have to check the ammonia level and then we are good to go. Maybe a trip to Ken and Linnie's is in order? or a trip to Victoria. I know, patience. Took piccies, but alas don't know how to put them on.

I am so excited to have it back. This Nano tank is so cute, and comes with just about everything you could want. Thanks Santa!!

Friday, November 17, 2006


Zach and Amma were downstairs feeding Sod and his pals.....the tank was a bit warmer than normal....shortly thereafter when Amma came back downstairs she walked in the kitchen and the tank was it was over 99 degrees!!!!!! A rock fell (we think) against the heater, causing it to seperate the glass from the heater, then it cooked the tank......very very sad as all inhabitants are dead....corals, shrimp, crab, fish etc etc etc all died. How horrible.

Thursday, November 16, 2006


2 more sexy shrimp added to the tank.....they are so much fun how they wave their butts in the air! The tank is very SEXY!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

got crabs?

Added a Boxer crab or Pom Pom crab to the tank that Sarah brought from Vancouver....what a cute little crab! He carries little anemones in his hands to fend off attackers!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Dude, love the Neon Colors!

And the final addition of the day to Amma's Ocean....a Blue Neon Goby...and man is it cute. Will let everyone settle a bit and then post pictures! Just think how sore Amma's back will be now from peering into the tank on the counter!!! ha ha ha.... I smell a 30g in the makes!

EDIT; new fish is now named "Elmo" by Zach


3 times as Sexy....SHRIMP or course...get those minds out of the gutter...3 sexy shrimp to add to the list of inhabitants...this little tank is "SWIMMMMIN!"


Cleanup crew ordered and arrived to add to the inhabitants;
5 - Blue Legged Hermits
1 - Red Scarlet Hermit
3 - Astrea Snails
2 - Margarita Snails

Monday, September 04, 2006


A new bulb, a blue background, and some corals! Stylin now!

Sunday, September 03, 2006


The newest addition to the "reef". Named by Zach...go figure!